What I’m Excited For: Week of 2.5.19

I spend an exorbitant amount of time looking at upcoming releases in both books and movies. I’ve been wanting to create a new weekly post for Natflix&Books for awhile and decided this would be perfect for the blog. On Tuesdays I’ll be featuring not just what is being released into the world of books each week, but also the movies you can look forward to on both DVD and in the theater each week (although, to be fair I am going to focus on the releases that I’m looking forward to). So without further ado, here’s what I’m excited for this week.

Book Releases


When You Read This by Mary Adkins

I read this a couple of weeks ago and absolutely adored it. This is one of those rare books that makes you both laugh and cry. Told in emails, blogposts, and text messages, this is definitely a book I’ll be returning to in the future.

Enchantee by Gita Trelease

After the death of her parents, a young woman turns to dark magic to transform herself into a courtesan of Marie Antoinette’s court.

Best Babysitters Ever by Caroline Cala

After reading about Kristy’s best idea, three girls decide to start their own babysitter’s club. The BSC was my jam back in the day. I’m excited for this.

Fame, Fate, and the First Kiss by Kasie West

A girl deals with getting her big break into acting during her senior year of high school. There’s a hot actor and an annoying tutor…

I Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella

It’s been years since I’ve been truly excited about a new Sophie Kinsella book, but this looks pretty cute.

The Deceivers by Kristen Simmons

A school for aspiring con artists. It’s a silly premise but might be fun.

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

I have to admit that I caught the buzz about this one extremely late, but it is supposed to be the debut book of the season (haven’t we heard that before).

DVD Releases


A group of women band together to pull off a heist to pay off their husbands’ debts.

The Girl in the Spider’s Web

I really quite enjoyed The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (both the book and the film), and although I did read the second book in the series, I never got around to the third or this one. I’ll probably end up watching the film w/o reading. My TBR is just too long.

In Theaters This Week

Err, I’m not really excited for any movies coming out this week, although notable titles include the second Lego movie and the remake of What Men (Women) Want.

That’s what I’m excited for this week. Are you looking forward to any of these books or films?


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