Weekly Rewind 9.12.15

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Weekly Rewind
The new books on my shelves and my week in a nutshell.

Since I started this blog I’ve participated in Stacking the Shelves, which is a weekly feature hosted by Tynga’s Reviews, and I’m going to continue linking to that meme. Throughout my student teaching semester I was using my weekend post as a way to let people know what’s going on in my life, so I’ve decided to rename my weekend post because this feature is more personal than just what books I’ve received. The Weekly Rewind will be about what’s going on with me and my blog, as well as about the books I’ve added to my shelves.

My Life and Blog
Life: Second week of school done! This week was pretty crazy. I gotĀ super sick on Wednesday. Like, had to call the house office to get someone into my classroom so I could go puke sick. This happened at the end of the day during my last class, but I had to go back to the school that night for Parent’s Night. I ended up staying at home on Thursday (especially with stomach bugs, I think it’s crappy when people try to “push through” at work. Just stay home!). I feel much better today, thankfully. I’m having a great time with my students. I’m still getting used to teaching younger kids (6th grade), but every other day, we have reading workshop for 30 minutes where they just read silently–and they LOVE it. I thought I was going to have to try to reign them in, but every single one of my classes stays quiet and just read for that half an hour, which is amazing. I would have loved that too at their age–but I was a huge book nerd even back then.
I decided not to drive home this weekend. I’m still not 100%, and my husband doesn’t get back until Sunday night after I would have had to have left, so it seemed pointless. My cats are doing ok, even though I just have them shut in my room. I have the master bedroom, which is good-sized, with a bathroom and a huge closet, so they aren’t suffering by any means. My landlord was kind enough to say that it was fine if they stayed until next weekend. I already have a lot of grading and some planning I need to do, so it will be nice to just get it done this weekend without having to do the eight hour round-trip. I’m definitely ready to see my husband again. We will have gone three weeks by the time we will get to hang out next weekend, but that should be the longest we will have to go all year, so it’s fine.
Blog and reading: This week I posted a WoWĀ about a toxic friendship, which isĀ a topicĀ I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. I also posted a Why, Publishers, Why?!Ā about a cover change that depresses me. I’m still (yes, STILL) reading Throne of Glass and have started a re-read of Tease. I was explaining the story to a friend the other day, and it made me crave a reread. The story is soĀ real and powerful–and I really have been thinking about toxic friendships lately.Ā I’m still in this awkward slump where it’s not that I’m not reading, I just can’t seem to FINISH anything. While this is fairly normal for me, it’s truly been awhile since anything held my attention enough to just read it. I do have some beautiful titles coming up, though, so hopefully one of them will be the one.
New books: I really do have some nice titles to share this week. So without further ado, I hope you are all having fabulous weekends!
For Review
Walk on Earth a Stranger (The Gold Seer Trilogy, #1)Ā 23203744Ā 23845997Ā 
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Walk on Earth a Stranger Ā by Rae Carson
I’ve been looking forward to this one for awhile, and not only because of that beautiful cover. I’ve always found the era of the Gold Rush so fascinating, so I’m excited to read a YA about that time.
I Crawl Through It by A.S. King
A group of students burnt-out on standardized testing build an invisible helicopter? Which is just, like, huh?! But I’m intrigued.
Blood and Salt by Kim Liggett
Per GR, this is: “Romeo and Juliet meets Children of the Corn in this one-of-a-kind romantic horror.” To which I say: Sold!
Juniors by Kaui Hart Hemmings
I quite liked The Descendants, the adult novel by this author that was the basis for the George Clooney film. So I’m really excited to read this novel about a girl in her junior year. Isn’t that cover lovely, too?
The Unquiet by Mikaela Everett
A girl has spent her life training to kill her replicate on a parallel Earth. I didn’t read it, but isn’t that the premise of Dueled?
This Monstrous Thing by Mackenzie Lee
Per GR: “In 1818 Geneva, men built with clockwork parts live hidden away from society, cared for only by illegal mechanics called Shadow Boys.” Interesting.
What I snagged from the library
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I’ve never heard of Felicia Day, but I’ve read the first chapter of this, and it’s pretty entertaining.
Let Me Tell YouĀ by Shirley Jackson
I can still remember reading “The Lottery” in 8th grade…and it has stayed with me all of these years, but I realized that it is literally the only thing I’ve read by this author. This is a collection of stories and essays.
Return to the Dark House by Laurie Faria Stolarz
So Welcome to the Dark House was pretty stupid, but it was quick, and I do want to know how it ends…kind of.
Age of Adaline starring Blake Lively
I’m excited to watch this film about a woman who stops aging after an accident. I definitely plan to watch it this weekend, so hopefully I’ll get a review posted for it next week.
Well that’s it for me this week. Feel free to leave a link to whatever weekend post you do (Stacking the Shelves, In My Mailbox, etc). I love to see what books people have recently snagged and especially enjoy hearing about my fellow bloggers’ weeks. I hope you are all having a fabulous weekend!

12 thoughts on “Weekly Rewind 9.12.15

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  1. Blood and Salt continues to pop out at me on shelves. I'm waiting to get the audio version of the Felicia Day book as I've been enjoying listening to comedian memoirs (especially if read by author). Have a good reading week.


  2. I am reading Blood and Salt now and I can say that it is definitely unique, I hope to get it finished over the weekend as I have many more waiting in line. Enjoy your books!


  3. I am so thrilled that your school has set time aside for students to read. First of all, some kids do not have the luxury of reading in their spare time at home due to a range of reasons. Especially at this age.
    Second, I think it is irritating that we try to dump all of this knowledge into their heads so quickly. They never have any down time to really stop and relax a bit. I always loved reading breaks at school, and it helped out a lot with anxiety at school.
    Kids are not freaking robots. They need time to absorb and some time set aside for something that is low stress.


  4. So many great books you got this week! I'm looking forward to Walk the Earth. Blood and Salt looks absolutely amazing. And OH This Monstrous Thing! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Sorry to hear you were sick this week! That doesn't sound fun—hope you're all better now!


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