Top 10 Tues (4) — top 10 words/topics that make me pick up a book

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme/original feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Click the link to go to their site to see the original list for today plus links to a whole slew of other blogs. After you read mine, of course.

Today’s topic is: The top ten words/topics that will make me pick up a book 
1. Prep, boarding, or private school. 
Always. Say any of those words and I’m SOLD.
PrepEtiquette & Espionage (Finishing School, #1)The Catcher in the Rye
2. Contemporary YA
I’ll read paranormal and fantasy, but my heart belongs to contemporary.
The Reece Malcolm ListGoldenThe List  
3. Swoony Romance
 Everyone needs a sweet, heart-warming book sometimes
Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss, #1)My Life Next DoorThis Is What Happy Looks Like  
4. Kick-ass heroine
I like my heroines strong and smart
The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1)The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-BanksThe Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, #1)  
5. Circus
 Oh, the circus. I love just adore it as a setting.
Water for ElephantsThat Time I Joined the CircusThe Night Circus 
6. Spies
Is there anything cooler than a spy?
I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Gallagher Girls, #1)Also Known AsHeist Society (Heist Society, #1)  
7. Re-tellings  
I love books that put a new spin on an old story from classics, to fairytales, to myths
Bridget Jones's Diary (Bridget Jones, #1)For Darkness Shows the Stars (For Darkness Shows the Stars, #1)Abandon (Abandon Trilogy, #1)
8. Jessica Darling
I love this series so much. Marcus and Jessica 4-ever!
Sloppy Firsts (Jessica Darling, #1)Second Helpings (Jessica Darling, #2)Charmed Thirds (Jessica Darling, #3)   
9. Sisters
I love books that focus on strong sister bonds
The Weird SistersMind Games (Mind Games, #1)The Solomon Sisters Wise Up 
10. A picture of the beach on the cover
I’ll always pause for a beach cover. I love summer.
MaineAll the Summer GirlsThe Castaways   

So what about you? What are the words/topics you always go for? Sound off below.
*Followers and comments are welcome and much appreciated. If you leave a comment, please also leave your link so that I can come visit you. I will always try to follow those who follow me, but if I somehow miss you, please just let me know. Happy reading!

36 thoughts on “Top 10 Tues (4) — top 10 words/topics that make me pick up a book

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  1. I love basically everything you picked, Natalie! I especially love contemporaries, boarding schools and everything romance. I like my fantasy/dystopia/paranromal/sci-fi etc spiced with romance as well. The thing I don't appreciate is love triangles though.. I hate being in the wrong team and overall they're just so emotionally tiring and not in a good way. Ugly cry is a good emotional release for me LOL. Also, kick-ass heroines are my favorite 🙂 Yay! Love the books you picked out as well;-)


  2. Oooh, great list! I always secretly wanted to go to boarding school, so I enjoy those kind of books too. Kick-ass heroines and spies are high on my list too. 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT.


  3. Agree with the majority of these! Wish I would have thought to put sisters on my list because I do love books about them. Probably because I have two of my own 🙂


  4. Ooh, boarding schools, great one! I read so many books based on this…heck, I'm even writing one on and off, lol. Swoony romance, ooh, anna! I haven't read the other two examples, but I want to. Circus, yes, another big one for me! Love your choices! Spies are fun…and you already know I love a good retelling. 😉 Did you see that they're coming out with a new MG Jessica Darling? Thoughts?


  5. I did see that they are making a MG Jessica Darling. I'll read it, of course, but I am kind of on the fence about it. I like thinking of Jessica as an adult now. I'm not sure how I feel about her life going backwards. And, to be honest, I rarely read MG. I just hope it's good. I don't anything to ruin my love for these books!


  6. I agree with you, except for the circus. So far I haven't liked any books that include a circus because it seems to be just a background and we see nothing of it. Great list, though (:


  7. Oh, quite a few of these are things I actually try to stay away from! Haha. Not actively, but I just don't really care for stories that focus entirely on romance, or have a beach, or have boarding schools. I want fantastical worlds and action! So hey, at least we agree on the kick ass heroine! Always need more of those.


  8. I think my favorite on this list is the Circus!!! I love the circus… I also love sister stories, but I need them to be GOOD because I have two sisters and I won't believe just anything!


  9. I love how your one topic is Jessica Darling! I am on Fourth Comings, and I'm almost reluctant to finish the series because once it's done, it's done. 😦 But I'm loving it so much! I love your other picks, especially the circus! Loved Water for Elephants! And I desperately need to read Etiquette & Espionage! Great list, Natalie!


  10. I love Jessica Darling. You've just made me want to re-read them!

    And I don't think I've ever read a circus book… but now I'm beyond curious!


  11. Oh absolutely on the swoony romances. Anna and the French Kiss is definitely one of my favorite – and most recommended – books ever! Love you're list and thanks for visiting mine!

    Oh! And I'm a new follower, too… thought I'd let ya know. 🙂


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